
Photographer of artistic objects and artworks
I put my know-how and my experience in art reproduction at the service of your professional needs.
Thanks to a reliable technique that respects the graphic chain and color management, I reproduce paintings, sculptures and photographs.
The reproductions that I realize can be aimed as much towards the paper medium as for a use on the Web.
After a long experience in the field of reporting and events, I specialized in photographic reproduction. In order to obtain the most faithful color results, make use of my technique. As for the solutions to look for, entrust yourself to my artistic glance.

eduardo cereceda photographe

Artwork photography service

photos de tableau de artiste

Claire Malder

Luis Gutierrez


H. Descamps

Lion Rene Pescheret

Luis Rene Pescheret
For sale

Anne-Marie Borbouse

Armillary sphere

Zoé Byloos

hEduardo cereceda

Rossito Virginie

peinture de greuze

Sculpture en bronze, Isabel Casas

Isabel Casas

Gilbert Laloux

Play Video

Gilbert Laloux

vitrau 2

Gilbert Laloux

vitrau 3

Gilbert Laloux


Let your gaze speak


TIRAGE PHOTO EPSON PRO - Photographe d'œuvres d'art et d'objets

Photo print & enlargement

Inkjet printing with pigment inks
Currently, inkjet printing with pigment inks is chosen by professionals as the printing system par excellence for enlargements, both for its price and its speed.
The variety of papers
A wide range of papers allows images to be highlighted. Multiple finishes are offered: shiny, ultra-matt, satin, cloth or canvas, baryted, pearled…Inkjet printing combines high colorimetric quality and guaranteed stability (minimum 75 years).
Colorimetric quality and stability over time (minimum 75 years) are the advantages of inkjet printing. With the Epson printers used, with 8 separate ink cartridges and regular calibration, including screen, the guarantee of an impeccable result is ensured.

Image processing

Image editing and restoration
I offer various image processing to improve colors, correct defects, modify areas or make various compositions.

I offer image corrections from old negatives damaged, scratched or bent. Parts of the image can be modified, details or characters can be deleted, removed or added.
Old images both in color and in black & white often show a deterioration in hue or contrast. I can suggest , for example, to correct the loss of brightness of the colors due to the ageing of the paper. Also for old black & white prints, it is possible to revive the contrast and give them a second life. The application of a sepia filter can also achieve a very good result.

Retouche de photos
Retouche de photos. Eduardo Cereceda

good visualize your object

Nicolas de Meeûs

"The Clean Base"

Indian Stele

XI century

My colleague SILVIA creates reproductions from images. The work is done in oil or acrylic on canvas.

Would you like to turn your favourite picture into an art project?
You can upload the image via the button choose a file (CONTACT) for a study of the document.


Eduardo Cereceda



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